HKAC Mission Trip
Hong Kong Adventist College has a regular mission trip activity in which some of our students, faculty, and staff participate in every year. Each year we identify a particular community in the region which could benefit from some help, and we fund-raise for those needs.
We want to thank you so much for helping us to accomplish our mission in the Lord. All we want to do during these trips are to glorify our Savior, to fellowship with our brothers and sisters in another land, and to tell the good news of His return. May we work together to serve our God as we await His soon return.
Latest Event
This year, we are working with the Women and Children’s Ministry Department of the Adventist Church in Vietnam to conduct evangelistic meetings and community projects in the mountainous region of the Lamdong Province.
The hill tribe of the area that we will be working with are the Cil people, a subdivision tribe of the K’Ho or Co Ho ethnic group. It’s been told to us that they consist of some of the poorest people in Vietnam. We will be visiting them from January 24 to February 2 of 2025.
Village Pictures of the Destination
Previous Events
Philippine 2023
Thailand 2024
Donation Information
Ways to deposit
For Local Funders:
Bank: Hang Seng Bank
Account name: Hong Kong Adventist College
Account number: 204-3-011010
FPS: 161 451 166
For International Funders:
Bank: Hang Seng Bank
Account name: Hong Kong Adventist College
Account number: 204-3-011010
If you would like to fund one of our projects or to simply make a donation, you may make a cheque out to Hong Kong Adventist College, memo line: Mission Trip Donation, then send a screenshot to +852-57431611 (HKAC Accounting Office) for a receipt. Or you may talk to anyone of us or email Ms. Arlene at
Thank you for your continued support of the mission trip. We really appreciate it, and I'm very sure the beneficiaries also are really thankful. Last year, we started a tradition of engendering school spirit along with supporting the mission trip by designing sweatshirts for HKAC promotion and embracement.
Let's embrace school spirit! And let's support the mission trip!