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2024 Academic Year Inauguration

2024 Student Sharing
Student Activities

Intro to Hong Kong Adventist College
Christmas Party (4 December 2024)
Food and Fun Fair & Alumni Day (1 December 2024)
Culture Day (20 November 2024)
Appreciation Dinner (23rd June 2022)
Congratulations to all students who successfully completed this school year 2022. It has been remarkable to have all these wonderful students here on the campus. Hong Kong Adventist College got nothing more but appreciation for all the faculty,
staff and students who put in full efforts for this semester.
Graduation Ceremony (26th June 2022)
With all the Love and joy, congratulations to the HKAC class of 2022! We are so honoured to have these fantastic young students graduating in HKAC. The class of 2022 have gone through many challenges under the covid-19 situation. However, none of these challenges stopped their desire to learn and achieve. We are so proud of you, and honoured to celebrate graduation day with you! May God continue to guide all the graduates in every step of their life.