Student Ambassadors
Study and get missionary
experience in Hong Kong!
Hong Kong Adventist College is looking for U.S. students to study and work as Student Ambassador in Hong Kong for a year. The selected students will be studying part-time and working as an assistant under the practical missionary training program.

Two Southern Adventist University student missionaries (SMs) had a unique opportunity in Hong Kong last year. Theology majors Edvan Benitez and Mauricio Jaldin attended Hong Kong Adventist College, where most of the enrolled students are not Seventh-day Adventists. They served as “friendship evangelists,” studying part-time while working as assistants for the practical missionary training program, organizing events and other occasions for social interaction while making friends.
Benitez said it wasn’t easy at first; some of the students were reserved, but once trust was established in the relationships, he and Jaldin were accepted and loved unconditionally.
As the weeks in Hong Kong flew by, Benitez and Jaldin noticed a gap in the spiritual programming available to the college students. With support from the president of the college, the SMs organized Connection, a student-led church that met once a week and provided fellowship and spiritual enrichment, followed by a potluck meal. On average, 35 students participated each Sabbath. The friends shared communion, went on spiritual retreats together, and learned about Jesus. Six members, including three who were roommates of the SMs, committed to baptism.
Benitez and Jaldin also spent a week serving in the Philippines, focusing on humanitarian work with low-income families and leading out in children’s programming and an evangelistic series. Both SMs preached, and 12 people accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and were baptized.
“Serving in Asia was the highlight of the past few years for me,” Jaldin said. “It was especially meaningful to see how God led in the friendships we made.”
Benitez added, “I will never forget the students’ farewell to us—so many gifts, so many letters. In the end, I know that God helped us to fulfill our purpose there.”
By Victoria Mills (The above article and photos are reprinted with permission by Southern Adventist University)
Student Ambassador Objective:
To increase the spiritual atmosphere on the Hong Kong Adventist College campus and prepare missionaries for work in Asian countries.
• Enrichment and personal growth
• Enhanced leadership and presentation skills
• Achievement and recognition
Build up personal network in Asia
Gain great working experience in an Asian culture
Take courses related to the Chinese culture
Free tuition (Up to 8 credits per semester) Credits are transferrable to all SDA universities
Free lodging in the HKAC dormitory
Free meals (3 meals a day) at the campus cafeteria
US $2,500 scholarship for the service period
Free medical insurance coverage policy
If you are interested, please send your (a) Resume, (b) Academic Transcripts, (c) the Copy of Passport and (d) Completed Application Form to info@hkac.edu and put "Student Ambassador" as the subject.
Click here for other information.
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Phone: +852 2719 1668
Email: info@hkac.edu
Facebook: Hong Kong Adventist College